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Thursday, February 9, 2023

It Starts Like This

CP: Good Morning. Thanks phor wating phor the gates to open to ask your question. Are you picking up? 
Doesn't Understand Here: I was here last week asking for a refill. 
CP: You were. As was I. That's not a question. 
DUH: You said you were contacting my Dr. and he hadn't called you back yet. 
CP: Still waiting phor the question. 
DUH: I'm on my way to his office right now and want to know how many times you called him. 
CP: Still no question but I can tell you contacted Dr. Zoffis 7 times in the last 11 days. How many times did you call him?
DUH: Once. 
CP: You've been down here twice and called me multiple times but you only called Dr. Zoffis once?
DUH: I didn't know I had to. 
CP: Whose prescription is it? 
DUH: Dr. Zoffis!
CP: NO! Whose prescription is it? Whose medication is it? It's not mine. 
DUH: It's mine. 
CP: And you only called Dr. Zoffis once in 11 days and are going to go complain to him that he didn't get back to me after I faxed, emailed, sent a CandyGram and Carrier Pigeon and used Semaphores to request refills on your behalf? 
DUH: Yes. I want to know why I've been out so long. 
CP: Well, as I always say, #ICanExplainItToYouButICantUnderstandItPhorYou 

UT: Think he gets it?
CP: No. I'll ask him when he comes back later to get hi new Rx. 
UT: It's out phault. 
CP: Always. 

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