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Friday, October 20, 2023

No One Believes Us Anymore

CP: You know what I miss? When people used to take our word for something. We were seen as the experts and our answers were The Final Word on everything pharmacy-related. Now it's just become another answer patients wish to argue with you. 
ME: If we tell you it's on backorder, it is. We aren't artificially presenting a mass market conspiracy. 
MICE ELF: Now people like to argue. "Well I'll just get it where my girlfriend fills hers; she never has an issue getting stuff."
ME: Right. Somehow we are the only ones experiencing a shortage. Maybe she got lucky each time previously, but today? Today it's on backorder. Why does this have to be an argument?
CP: Or this one: You gave me expired Paxlovid. 
ME: OMG! I hate this so much. 
MICE ELF: Never mind trying to explain about concurrent trials or the company being forced to put A date of expiration on the box. 
ME: They don't want to hear it and don't care. 
CP: I was handed a box, explained the "outdated" medication and how the FDA had extended the date, so far at least, to the end of 2023. She still insisted I give her another box with a better date. 

Tries Wasting All Time: This is expired. 
CP: It is not. 
TWAT: It is. 
CP: I assure you it is not. The FDA extended it through 2023. 
TWAT: Well I want a new box that says that. 
CP: Well I don't have one. They all have the same date from the last order I received. It's not Harry Potter where I can change the newspaper headline when something changes; much like I can't change the number of refills on your bottles in your house. 
TWAT: Well that's not good enough. 
CP: Hand it to me, I'll wave my hand over it and hand it back. Satisfactory?
TWAT: No. What should I do?
CP: You got two choices of what you can do: one, take the medication to treat the covid you apparently tested positive for, yet stand here spitting venom at me at my counter without a mask or, and I like this one better, you can find a DeLorean and go back in time to 9 months ago and and get covid then and I will STILL hand you the same box but it will be in date. Your choice. 
TWAT: <harrumphs> 

ME: Yeah that was pretty surreal. I pine for the days when we were the most trusted profession. 
MICE ELF: Everyone wants to question and argue about every answer, no matter how trivial. 
CP: I used to say "just because you don't like the answer doesn't mean it's a wrong answer". I still say it, but I used to too. 
ME: Yeah. Everything is an argument or a battle. Just say "oh, ok" and move on. If you have a follow up question, ask it. 
MICE ELF: Like "where can I get it" or "do you have an ETA" or something better than blaming me for your suffering. 
CP: Hell, people will complain about this post (TL:DR, or "paxlovid is a waste anyway" or whatever. Just enjoy the ride). 


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