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Thursday, January 25, 2024

Policy? Or Professionalism?

CP: I ordered another case of Bromfed DM today. 
CPP: Great. I'll let our competition know when we speak. 
CP: Good. I spoke with Chronic Vaginal Secretions yesterday and explained we have it with no issues getting it. 
CPP: Good. Let's hope they send people our way. 
CP: They have been, which is great, but they're annoying about it. 
CPP: How so?
CP: If I knew you were the only pharmacy around that had it, and I verified it with you that morning, I would send my patients to you. 
CPP: Great. I would reciprocate in kind. 
CP: <blushes> I know. I'm just confused by this interaction, which I have had with multiple pharmacists at the same store. 

CP: CP's Chronic Perturbations. How may I help you?
Patient In Need Of The Bromfed: I'm calling to ask if you happen to have Bromfed DM in stock. 
CP: I do!
PINOT Bromfed: Great. Can you transfer it for me?
CP: Sure. Where is it?
PINOT Bromfed: Conjugal Visits/Satan. 
CP: Yeah. I can call them. What's their number?
<hears PINOT Bromfed asking the pharmacy staff for their information>
CP: Are you at the pharmacy counter?
PINOT Bromfed: Yes. 
CP: They have my information and I spoke with them this morning. Do they really need me to call? or can they send it without?
PINOT Bromfed: They want you to call. 
CP: Of course. Instead of them, with the Rx presumably on their screen, exiting it and faxing me the copy directly, I now have to stop what I am doing to call them to repeat what this patient already established. 
UT: They must be run like a PBM: The first person asks for your information, transfers you, and that person asks for it all again. 
CP: Except I spoke with the pharmacist this morning, and multiple times since the backorder on this began, and she said she would just transfer them to me. Why do I have to call? Especially on this one.
CPP: Please don't tell me they pulled the "it's the receiving pharmacy's job to initiate the transfer". 
CP: No. I expected that. Which, granted, is how it should be done and I am a staunch believer in adhering to it. However, I have worked out with other pharmacists in the past to send my prescriptions for the day without them calling, in these instances. It's especially galling if the patient is right there and the pharmacy told them to call around and they suggested my store because they know I have it. 
CPP: It does seem a little selfish. 
CP: Not to mention unprofessional. 
CPP: Did they give you a reason?
CP: Nope. They just didn't want to do it. According to the patients who have come to pick up these prescriptions. They were surprised the other pharmacists made it so hard. It wouldn't be so bad if they answered the phone when we called. Or didn't have to wait 30 minutes for the fax. I mean, it's not a control and most of us do fax transfers more than verbal anyway. 
CPP: Guess they didn't read your post yesterday. 
CP: Or they did and are still stuck on "ignore the phone, the patient here comes first". 
CPP: Except they made the patient waiting there wait here. 
CP: I guess that's the surprise. 
CPP: What surprise?
CP: At CVS - Cloaca Vent Surprise!
CPP: How much time do you spend on your acronyms?
CP: All day. 

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