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Thursday, July 10, 2014

Doctors and Laws Part 1

Laws change. We have to adapt. We get a notice they are changing, a grace period to adjust, then we are expected to be completely compliant...unless you are a prescriber.
Despite ample warning that Hydrocodone strengths would be changing effective 1/1/2014, we continue to see prescriptions written incorrectly. So we call. And prescribers say "yeah I know I just forgot". And there are no consequences to "I forgot".
There need to be consequences.
There need to be fines.
There needs to be something in place to take the burden from the shoulders of the pharmacist who fills the prescription:

For example: I received a prescription from a pain clinic; a place of all places that should be on top of its game and know better. I received a bad prescription and left the following voicemail:

CP: This is CP calling to verify a prescription Doctor Zoffis wrote for a patient. He wrote Vicodin 5/325 and that would be Norco...unless he really wanted the New Vicodin which would be 5/300. Please let the doctor know that it IS July. There were memos sent to all pharmacies, and I would assume prescribers, in both November of 2012 and November of 2013 notifying and reminding them of these big changes that took effect January 2014...some 6 months ago. He really should know how to do this by now and I would greatly appreciate it if he would get with the program so I no longer have to waste my time or the patient's time standing around making phone calls because Herr Doctor neglected to read the memo. Thank You...

A few hours later, no rush right?, I get the privilege of the following phone call:

Dr. Zoffis' Nurse: Calling you back on the message you left earlier.
CP: Okay. Took long enough after I said the patient was waiting, but no bother. Whatcha got?
DZN: "The doctor appreciates the 5 minute message you left reminding him about this. He said he did read all the material sent last year about this." (actual quote)
CP: So you're saying that he READ the memo, he just couldn't INTERPRET the memo? Or what an impact it would have on his prescribing habits?
DZN: Yes. I'll tell him your concerns.
CP: Please do. While you're at it, could you also tell him that Tramadol will be a control soon as well. He should have received a memo on that too.
DZN: "Yeah. You'll probably be calling on that too." (again, actual quote)
CP: Yep. Because you can't train a doctor. They can read, but it doesn't mean it sticks.

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