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Thursday, August 28, 2014

Lack of Comprehension

"Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?"

CP: Welcome to Jurassic Park.
Silly Moppet: What?
CP: Trying out new names for my phuture pharmacy.
SM: I have recently relocated to your area and wish to do business with your fine establishment.
CP: Wunderbar! Let me take all your information, including that insurance card you are holding.
SM: It's really nice to have such a wonderful pharmacist helping me.
CP: Glad to be of assistance. I know no other way. Hmmmm.
SM: What's wrong?
CP: As I was entering your prescription, your insurance rejected the claim. It appears it needs updated.
SM: Why?
CP: I don't really know. They are telling me this expired or you've updated to a new card since last month.
SM: Okay. Well thanks for trying. I'll just take my prescription and go all the way back across town to my last pharmacy. We've been there before.
CP: Okay. You realise that won't really work, right?
SM: Yes it will. We've been there before. Last month.
CP: Yes. You told me that. Let's assume you go shopping at Kohl's after you leave here. As you are checking out, the cashier tells you that your Visa has been declined. Would you tell her: "That's okay. I'll just go back across town to Target. I used it there last month."? No. Same situation here. I would encourage you to call your insurance company while on your short little trek across town. When my bosses ask why my prescription counts are down, I'm going to give them this example.


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